laugardagur, 6. október 2007

Meira Búrma

Dear friends,

Today, our petition to China and the UN Security Council to stop the brutal crackdown on peaceful Burmese protesters is being delivered to the world in a full page ad in the Financial Times worldwide -- but the ad was rejected by other newspapers like the South China Morning Post and the Singapore Straits Times. Our message is an invitation to China to do the right thing in Burma, not an attack -- yet even that seemed too much for media that fear Chinese reprisals.

We won't let our voice be silenced like this. We're taking our message to the streets, in an international day of action on Saturday -- details are on our petition page, and below. And we're redoubling our efforts to make our voice louder: our petition is approaching 600,000 signatures, closing fast on our 1 million goal.The petition link is below - send this email to all your friends and family and help us reach 1 million voices by Saturday!


2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Takk fyrir þetta, Finnur minn, ég skrifaði strax undir og hvet aðra til að gera slíkt hið sama. Það er óhugnanlegt hvað heimurinn virðist vera skeytingarlaus um ástandið í þessu landi harðstjórnar, ofbeldis og kúgunar.
Baráttukveðjur frá mömmu.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Búin að kvitta!